Dienstag, 17. Januar 2017


    …is over and I was just getting used to write those 4 numbers. Looking back, Deb and I experienced a very good year. Challenging and busy, but good. We went through a major change which actually meant no change at all… But let’s start at the beginning.

     The first quarter was full of uncertainties. We didn’t know when and where we would have to pack up and move. Both of us felt at the right place here in Timor and having to leave so soon after arriving would have been really hard for us. Another uncertainty was the wet-season which was in its full swing. The first wet-season in a mountainous area meant challenging flight conditions, challenges which I never experienced before… On the positive side we had my brother visiting us and we surely enjoyed the time together. 

Hiking to the top of Timor with my brother Jakim. (Mt. Ramelau 9797ft.)

Let's hope no one in this direction needs to get medevaced...

     Summer brought a lot of clarity and also visitors from Switzerland. My parents and Sister visited us for 3 weeks and just after they left we received the much anticipated decision from the MAF HQ. We can stay, our contract got extended and we don’t have to move in the near or mid future. The pressure release was huge. Initially we couldn’t quite grasp it. 2016 was about to become the first year of our marriage where we didn’t have to move a single time. Various factors caused this decision to happen but let's keep it simple, the Timor-Leste program operates now with 3 pilots… With a 3rd Pilot we have the ability to work on our base, plan different outreaches and attend language classes without having to cut back on our Medical Evacuation flights. Having 3 pilots also gives us the opportunity to get a ‘real’ day off without the possibility of call outs. This provides a day of rest for our mind and we don’t have to worry about weather and other flying stuff.

    The last quarter just flew by. The MAF ladies started with the care packages. Each patient which gets medevaced by us receives a bag with all sorts of goodies, depending on his age and gender off course… The locals seem to truly appreciate that service which is an encouragement for us. (You can read more about that here) We spend most of November and December with just 2 pilots. One at a time travelled down to Cairns to receive training or attend meetings and also get a week or two of deserved vacations. Second half of November was our turn and we travelled to Cairns to visit good friends and meet new ones. At the moment the MAF Training Centre in Mareeba is overrun by Swiss folks, which is good thing of course… I even got to brush up on my instrument flying skills in the simulator, although that was almost too short to mention ;-)
Our Ladies assembled the care-packages

Aldo, our national Staff is handing them out to patients

Cairns and it's beautiful winter weather. (Well they call it summer)

In the Simulator, the sun was not quite shining as bright though!


    …We are expecting changes in Hera, that’s where Deb teaches. Deb and Kim are trying to train up Timorese, which will then take over the classes and the 2 Ladies work more in the background as supporters.
After 2 years away, we will have our first furlough in Switzerland, starting sometimes next summer, yay 😊

    I hope that once the wet season disappears, we can start flying to the districts and do outreaches. This would include sharing the good news, playing games, educate the locals about behaviour around aircraft and cleaning up the runways.  I’m also working on the Bible Box which I think is a great way of reaching people. 30 Units arrived and a dozen usb-sticks are waiting to get loaded up. Let’s see how that projects takes on shape.
By reading through that post you noticed that we get a fair amount of visitors and it’s always a bit stressful finding the right accommodation. So we decided to build another extension to our beach house so we can host friends trouble-free… Did you get the hint?
We are so thankful for everyone supporting us in various ways and we are looking forward to tackle 2017 knowing, we have a strong team behind and in front of us. Might God bless you all.

What happens in 2017? Who knows... we are excited.


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